



Dawson Football Booster Club

Show your Eagle pride!  

The Dawson Football Booster Club is present at almost all home games, Freshmen, JV and Varsity. We have shirts, hats and other gear to show off your Eagle pride. This year we are selling additional items on our on-line store. When you purchase on-line, you have 3 options to choose from to receive your merchandise:

  • Have it shipped directly to you
  • Pick it up from the vendor
  • Let us pick it up for you and you can get it from us at the game!

 Check it out!    DFBC On-Line Store


Spirit & Apparel has lots of volunteer opportunities. Your volunteer hours are credited to your son's eligibility requirements for the DFBC scholarships. Please sign up to help with sales. We never want to keep you from seeing your son play.

  • Varsity Parents - Please sign up to help at a Freshmen or JV game.
  • Freshment/JV Parents - Please sign up for the game right before or after your son's game. Or, we especially need help from Freshmen and JV parents at Varsity games (so that we can watch our sons play)

Bonus for helping at a Varsity game, you'll get a free pass to the game!

Please  Sign up here !

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